The Tax Collection (Approved Write-Off) (Public Bodies) Order, 2014
flankers primary edtax? 3,0551.21 0.00 3,0551.21 & junior high education school taxes flankers primary pa.y.e. 0.10 560.15 560.25 & junior high school foga road high edtax? 5,304.00 0.00 5,304.00 school education taxes food storage & paye 1,139,644.80 8,2
The Main Roads Act - Declaration of Main Roads
flankers and sir donald sangster international airport then easterly from the kent avenue intersection then through ironshore, coral gardens, rosehall and intersecting with the northern end of the barrett town main road, continuing easterly through lillip
The Emergency Powers Detention (Akeem Dehaney) (State of Public Emergency for the Parish of St. James) Order, 2018
flankers, st. james on 7.52016; (vii) murder of imran barrett in central avenue, flankers, st. james onthe 04.05.2016; and (viii) involved in gang activity. (b) section 13(10) of the constitution of jamaica gives you the right to request a review of yo