forty dollars
The Queen's Warehouse (Charges) (Amendment) Notice, 2000
forty dollars per week or part thereof; and (ii) three hundred dollars for each subsequent week or part thereof.?. 3. paragraph 4 of the principal notice is hereby amended by deleting the words ?foot? and ?six inches? wherever they appear and substituti
The Stamp Duty (Transfer of Lands from the National Road Operating and Constructing Company to the JNSH Company Limited) Remission of Duty) Notice, 2018
forty dollars ($40.00) payable on the instruments of transfer in respect of the? (@) the transfer of part of the parcel of land comprised in the certificate of title registered at volume 611 folio 55 of the register book of titles and being more
The Stamp Duty (Transfer of Lands from the Urban Development Corporation to the National Road Operating and Constructing Company Limited) (Remission of Duty) Notice, 2018
forty dollars ($40.00) payable on the instruments of transfer in respect of? (@) the transfer of part of the parcel of land comprised in the certificate of title registered at volume 611 folio 55 of the register book of titles and being more particularly
The Stamp Duty (Transfer of Lands from the National Road Operating and Constructing Company Limited to the JNSH Company Limited) (Remission of Duty) (No. 2) Notice, 2018
forty dollars ($40.00) payable on the instrument of transfer in respect of the transfer of part of the parcel of land comprised in the certificate of title registered at volume 1104 folio 860 of the register book of titles and being more particularly
The Building Societies Act - Finance and Banking
forty dollars. appointment by court or society of inspector to examine into affairs of society 46. it shall be lawful for any judge of the supreme court, on the application of any seven or more shareholders or members of any society under this act carry
The Building Societies Act - Finance and Banking
forty dollars in respect of each such offence. 49. upon the conclusion of the examination, the inspectors shall report their opinions to the court. such report shall be filed by the registrar of the court, and be opened to public inspection. all expens
The Co-operative Societies Act - Companies and Associations
forty dollars with costs, and to be ordered to deliver up all such property or to repay all moneys applied improperly, and in default of such delivery or repayment, or of the payment of such fine, to be imprisoned, with or without hard labour, for a term
The Coconut Industry Aid Act - Agriculture
forty dollars to be recovered as penalties under this act. any rules made in pursuance of this section shall be published in the gazette and shall be deemed to be within the powers conferred by this act and shall be of the same force and effect as if ena
The Constables (Special) Act - Defence and National Security
forty dollars, or to be imprisoned, with or without hard labour, for any term not exceeding six months. 13. whenever any parish special constable is called out, or employed on actual duty, he shall be paid for his trouble, loss of time, and expenses from
The Debtors Act - Finance and Banking
forty dollars and upwards, and that there is probable cause for believing that the defendant is about to quit the island unless he be apprehended, and that the absence of the defendant from this island will materially prejudice the plaintiff in the prosec
The Education Act - Regulation of Professions
forty dollars. 24.?(1) the minister may direct the educational board for any compulsory education area to ascertain for his information which children of compulsory school age residing in such area require special educational treatment; and after conside
The Education Act - Regulation of Professions
forty dollars, and in the case of a second or sub- sequent conviction, to a fine not exceeding one hundred dollars or to imprisonment with or without hard labour for a term not exceeding three months or to both such fine and such imprisonment. 26.?(1) th
The Education Act - Regulation of Professions
forty dollars, and in the case of a second or sub- sequent conviction, to a fine not exceeding one hundred dollars or to imprisonment with or without hard labour for [the inclusion of this page is authorized by l.n. 17/1982) 3s inspection of educa-