forty percent
The Andean Development Corporation Agreement Act - Companies and Associations
forty percent (40) of the total shares of this series, corresponding to each country. both series ?a? and series ?b? shares, corresponding to each country shall bear the name of the respective country. 2. with charge to the guarantee capital the followi
10 of 2016 - The Representation of the People (Amendment) Act
forty percent of the lesser of? (a) (b) the total expenditure which that candidate was permitted to incur within the campaign period in accordance with section 52bi, or the actual expenditure incurred by the candidate within the campaign period, as re
10 of 2016 - The Representation of the People (Amendment) Act
forty percent of that candidate?s total election expenditure as reflected in the candidate?s final disclosure report made under section 52bp. (5) subject to subsections (3) and (4), funding provided by the government under subsection (1), shall be disbur