four thousand dollars
The Malicious Injuries to Property Act - Courts and Judiciary
four thousand dollars, as to the court shall seem meet, and, in default of payment thereof, together with the costs if ordered, shall be committed as aforesaid for a term not exceeding six months, unless payment be sooner made; and whosoever, having been
The Malicious Injuries to Property Act - Courts and Judiciary
four thousand dollars as to the court shall seem meet, and whosoever, having been convicted of any such offence, either against this or any former enactment, shall afterwards commit any of the said offences in this section before-mentioned, and shall be c
3 of 2020-The Appropriation Act
four thousand dollars as specified in column ii of the schedule, for defraying the several charges and expenses of the government of jamaica, and for other purposes, for the financial year ending on the 31st day of march, 2021. 3.?(1) the sum granted by
12 of 2016 - The Approriations Act
four thousand dollars for defraying the several charges and expenses of the government of jamaica, and for other purposes, for the financial year ending on the 31st day of march, 2017. 3.?(1) the sum granted by section 2 is hereby appropriated for the se
The Land Surveyors Act
four thousand dollars ($4,000.00). 3. the parent (or guardian) covenants with the surveyor that the student will faithfully perform each and every the covenants set out in clause 2 hereof and that if the student shall fail or neglect to perform each and