functions of office
The Jamaica Intellectual Property Office Act
functions of office establishment of office. . functions of office. ministerial directions. financial provisions, annual report funds and resources of the office. borrowing powers. advances and grants to office. repayment of and interest on advances
The Jamaica Intellectual Property Office Act
functions of office. ministerial directions. funds and resources of the office. jamaica intellectual property office establishment and functions of office 3.?(1) there is hereby established a body to be known as the jamaica intellectual property offi
The Telecommunications Act - Communication and Technology
functions of office. duty of office to refer matters to the fair trading commission. ministerial directions. obligation for secrecy. information not to be regarded as confidential. . numbering. part iii. licensing of telecommunication services licence
The Jamaica Intellectual Property Office Act
functions of office establishment of office. functions of office. ministerial directions. financial provisions, annual repert funds and resources of the office. borrowing powers. advances and grants to office. repayment of and interest on advances and s
The Jamaica Intellectual Property Office Act
functions of office, [no. 251 the jamaica intellectual property office act, 2001 ?executive director? means the executive director of the office appointed under paragraph 2 of the first schedule; ?functions? ineludes powers and duties; ?office? means
25_2001- The Jamaica Intellectual Property Office Act
functions of office establishment of office. functions of office. ministerial directions. financial provisions, annual repert funds and resources of the office. borrowing powers. advances and grants to office. repayment of and interest on advances and s
25_2001- The Jamaica Intellectual Property Office Act
functions of office, [no. 251 the jamaica intellectual property office act, 2001 ?executive director? means the executive director of the office appointed under paragraph 2 of the first schedule; ?functions? ineludes powers and duties; ?office? means