general consumption tax regulations
general consumption tax regulations, item 12(1) should complete form 4d (pink form). taxpayers carrying out general insurance activities should complete form 4e (yellow form). ms a ? printed by jamaica printing services (1992) ltd., (government print
The Provisional Collection of Tax ( General Consumption Tax) ( No. 3) Order, 2005
general consumption tax regulations, 1991 provisions regulation 8 regulation 12 regulation 13 regulation 14 second schedule dated this 30th day of september, 2005. amendments delete paragraph (9). delete. delete. 1. delete sub-paragraph (d) of par
The Provisional Collection of Tax (General Consumption Tax) (No. 5) Order, 2006
general consumption tax regulations, 1991 provisions regulation 8 regulation 12 regulation 13 regulation 14 second schedule dated this 13th day of march, 2006. amendments delete paragraph (9). delete. delete. 1. delete sub-paragraph (d) of parag
Licence-New Testament Ministries Limited
general consumption tax regulations, 1991 provisions amendments regulation 8 delete paragraph (9). regulation 12 delete. regulation 13 delete. regulation 14 1. delete sub-paragraph (d) of paragraph (5). 2. delete from paragraph (5a) the words ?5.9
The Provisional Collection of Tax (General Consumption Tax) (No. 3) Order, 2007
general consumption tax regulations, 1991 provisions amendments regulation 8 delete paragraph (9). regulation 12 delete. regulation 13 delete. regulation 14 1. delete sub-paragraph (d) of paragraph (5). 2. delete from paragraph (5a) the words ?5 9
The Provisional Collection of Tax (General Consumption Tax) (No. 11) Order, 2007
general consumption tax regulations, 1991 provisions amendments regulation § delete paragraph (9). regulation 12 delete. regulation 13 delete. regulation 14 1. delete sub-paragraph (d) of paragraph 5) 2. delete from paragraph (5a) the words ?5.9% of
The Provisional Collection of Tax (General Consumption Tax) (No. 18) Order, 2007
general consumption tax regulations, 1991 provisions amendments regulation 8 delete paragraph (9). regulation 12 delete. regulation 13 delete. regulation 14 1. delete sub-paragraph (d) of paragraph 4) 2. delete from paragraph (5a) the words ?5.9%
The Provisional Collection of Tax (General Consumption Tax) (No. 2) Order, 2008
general consumption tax regulations, 1991 provisions amendments regulation 8 delete paragraph (9). regulation 12 delete. regulation 13 delete. regulation 14 1. delete sub-paragraph (d) of paragraph ©). 2. delete from paragraph (5a) the words ?5.9%
The Provision collection of Tax Act
general consumption tax regulations, 199] provisions amendments regulation 8 delete paragraph (9). regulation 12 delete. regulation 13 delete. regulation 14 delete sub-paragraph (d) of paragraph (5). delete from paragraph (sa) the words ?5.9% of ?
The Provision collection of Tax ( General Consumption Tax) ( No. 2) Order,2009
general consumption tax regulations, 1991 provisions regulation 8 regulation 12 regulation 13 regulation 14 second schedule dated this sth day of february, 2009. amendments delete paragraph (9). delete. delete. 1. delete sub-paragraph (d) o
The General Consumption Tax (Amendment of Schedules) Order, 2013
general consumption tax regulations, 1991, and any amount specified in that regulation, the amount of advanced gct payments made by the commercial importer shall be allowed as a credit in accordance with regulation 14, so, however, that the output tax ch
The General Consumption Tax (Amendment) Regulations, 2014
general consumption tax regulations, item 12(1). please type or print the required information. do not use a pencil. use blue or black ink pen anly. ah dollar value amounts should ba roundad to the nearast whole number. complete all applicable sections in
The Provisional Collection of Tax (General Consumption Tax) (No. 4) Order, 2014
general consumption tax regulations, item 12(1) should complete form 4d. taxpayers carrying out general insurance activities should complete form 4e). ? please type or print the required information. use blue or blackink pen only. do not use a pencil. al
The Provisional Collection of Tax (General Consumption Tax) (No. 5), Order, 2014
general consumption tax regulations, 1991, referred to in the first column of the schedule to this order are amended in the manner set out, respectively, in relation thereto in the! second column of the schedule to this order; and
The Provisional Collection of Tax (General Consumption Tax) (No. 5), Order, 2014
general consumption tax regulations, 1991 first column : ?second. column "provisions co amendments general consumption tax act ?section 2 1. insert next after the definition of? ?hire-purchase agreement? the following definition? ?imported