general election
The Law Revision Act
general election (postponement) act, 1972. the parish councils general election (post- ponement) act, 1972, the loan (amendment) act, 1972. the unity of jamaica (incorporation and vesting) act, 1973. the church of god in christ (incorporation and vest
The Law Revision Act
general elections and by- elections (postponement) act, 1980. act 10 of 1980 the open bible standard churches of jamaica incorporation (amendment) act, 1980. act 11 of 1980 the jamaica bible church (incorporated and vesting) act, 1980. act 12 of 1980 ~
The Law Revision Act
general election and by-elections (postponement) act, 1989. the kingston and st. andrew corporation general election and by-elections {postpone- ment) act, 1989. the loan {amendment) act, 1990. the n.c.b. group limited (alteration of memorandum and art
The Parish Councils General Elections (Postponement) Act
general election under the parish councils act and for purposes connected therewith. [july 20, 2001 1 be it enacted by the queen?s most excellent majesty, by and with the advice and consent of the senate and house of representatives of jamaica, and by t
The Kingston and St. Andrew Corporation General Election (Postponement) Act
general election under the kingston and st. andrew corporation act and for purposes connected therewith. [july 20, 2001 } be 1t enacted by the queen?s most excellent majesty, by and with the advice and consent of the senate and house of representatives
The Kingston and St. Andrew Corporation General Election (Postponement) Act
general election (postponement) act, 2001 such day or days not earlier than the 30th day of november, 2001, and not later than the 31st day of march, 2002, as the governor-general in council may by proclamation appoint.?. daration 3. this act shall c
25 of 2015- The Kingston and St. Andrew Corporation General Election (Postponement) Act
general election under the k ngston and st. andrew corporation act and for purposes connected therewith. [72% day y nevembor 2005] be it enacti:d by the queen?s most excellent majesty, by and wi-h the advice ad consent of the senate and house of represe
25 of 2015- The Kingston and St. Andrew Corporation General Election (Postponement) Act
general election (postponement) act, 2015 fan 2. during the continuance in force of this act, the principal act po ? shall be read and construed as if there were substituted for subsection (1) of section 14, the following subsection? ? (1) ageneral ele
26 of 2015 - The Parish Councils General Election (Postponement) Act
general election under the parish counc is act and for purposes connected therewith. [ [2% dey of november 2015 beit enacted by the queen?s most excellent majesty, by and with the ac vice and consent of the senate and house of representatives of jamaic
26 of 2015 - The Parish Councils General Election (Postponement) Act
general election under the parish councils act and for purposes connected therewith. 1/2" clay of november 3005 | be it enacted by the queen?s most excellent majesty, by and with the advice and consent of the senate and house of representatives of jama
21 of 2014 - The Representation of the People (Amendment) Act
general election until the date of the next sitting of parliament; issue of a writ of election or the publication of an order in the gazette, as the case may be, for a by-election until the day after the member or councillor, as the case may be, is decla
4_2011- The Kingston and St. Andrew Corporation General Election (Postponement) Act
general election under the kingston and st. andrew corporation act and for purposes connected therewith. [a? marchg dou] be it enacted by the queen?s most excellent majesty, by and with the advice and consent of the senate and house of representatives o
4_2011- The Kingston and St. Andrew Corporation General Election (Postponement) Act
general election (postponement) act, 2011 modification 2. during the continuance in force of this act, the principal act shall ofp rincipal pa read and construed as if there were substituted for subsection (1) of section 14, the following subsection? ?
5_2011- The Parish Councils General Election (Postponement) Act
general election under the parish councils act and for purposes connected therewith. [a* march, 201) be it enacted by the queen?s most excellent majesty, by and with the advice and consent of the senate and house of representatives of jamaica, and by th
16_2010- The Kingston and St. Andrew Corporation General Election (Postponement) Act
general election under the kingston and st. andrew corporation act and for purposes connected therewith. [1574 july 2010 ] be it enacted by the queen?s most excellent majesty, by and with the advice and consent of the senate and house of representatives