geographical indication no
The Protection of Geographical Indication Regulation, 2009
geographical indication no. ......cccooovceveeiiicverrirennne registered in the name of ........cccevceicrirenmecennens in class........cocoocnmen it is hereby requested that the entry in the register in respect of the abovementioned geographical indi
The Protection of Geographical Indications Act
geographical indication no. ...........cocoiiiiiiiiiiiiiiininn registered inthe name of ............cooovvviiiiiiiiiiiiniiinncnnns inclass..........ccoeeeenn 3. it is hereby requested that the entry in the register in respect of the abovementioned geo
The Protection of Geographical Indications Act
geographical indication no. .....ciiirmiiiiieieiniiiie ricer sees registered in the name of ..........ooiiiiiiiiiiriiiii rrr eer ee err eter e area ra reese ees i/we cee cee eee eee eee stata rae sa yeast sheers atte trata sane hereby apply for leave to