The Diplomatic Immunities and Privileges (Regional Negotiating Machinery) Order, 2006
georgetown, guyana on the 3rd day of july, 2004, which made provision for the privileges and immunities to be accorded to the regional negotiating machinery: and whereas it is desirable that the privileges and immunities, so accorded become a part of the
The Diplomatic Immunities and Privileges (Regional Negotiating Machinery) Order, 2006
georgetown, guyana. edwin carrington secretary-general of the caribbean community. k. d. knight minister of foreign affairs and foreign trade. dated this 28th day of february, 2006. k. d. knight minister of foreign affairs and foreign trade. print
The Post Office ( Postal Charges) ( Amendment) Order, 2010
georgetown 180.00 1,160.00 380.00 740.00 | 1,050.00 | 1,360.00 | 1,970.00 australia christmas islands 180.00 740.00 260.00 960.00 | 1,380.00 | 1,860.00 | 2,766.00 austraiia? cocos {keeling) islands 180.00 1,120.00 370.00 770.00 | 1,2
The Caribbean Food Corporation Act - Caribbean Community (CARICOM)
georgetown, this 18th day of august, one thousand nine hundred and seventy-six in a single copy which shall be deposited with the caribbean community secretariat which shall transfer certified copies to all the contracting states. annex membership memb
The Caribbean Investment Corporation Act - Caribbean Community (CARICOM)
georgetown, guyana on the 13th day of april, 1973; and (6) on or after the 1st may, 1974 are members of the caribbean common market. 2. for the purpose of performing this function the corporation is hereby empowered to? (¢) make equity investmenis in in