goods & services
The General Consumption Tax (Amendment) Regulations, 2014
goods & services) total supplies made during peried. ~~... . .................. no iee ee ra 8 exempt supplies export i zero-rated si ad dl op : l7] i+ g ?+g = 10 taxable supplies (subtract line 10fromline 6) . . ................ 8h, n section c: output
The General Consumption Tax (Amendment) Regulations, 2014
goods & services) include all activities relating to supplies (sales) during the refurn period, value of sales must include commissions, gratuities, etc. and must be reported in jamaican currency calculated at the official rate. section c: output tax c
The Provisional Collection of Tax (General Consumption Tax) (No. 4) Order, 2014
goods & services) total supplies made during the period fp ciera pn 6 exempt supplies export supplies zero-rated supplies 7 + 8 | +19 = {10 taxable supplies (subtract line 10 from line 6)... ..... j a, wo section c: output tax rate supplies atstandardrate
The Provisional Collection of Tax (General Consumption Tax) (No. 4) Order, 2014
goods & services) include all activities relating to supplies {sales) during the return period. for business enterprises in the service sector the value of sales must include the amount charged for fees. section c: output tax calculate tax on supplies (s
The General Consumption Tax Act
goods & services] 7 tokat supohes for peried [exchuding imported sev) ce ee ee ch es bapert® ples __ tze rated supolies : 7 3 ie tanable supples 3 4 positive rate (subtroct une 10from lng) le ciesii coir 1h section c: output tax supplies 1 tas withhokding
The General Consumption Tax Act
goods & services) i | imable at), rate une 9 from lise 6) section c: output tax {if additional flows are needed, enter lo tuble overieof) ct t comedy | tan | sowstal vokes [2 pon | ode we gay |= sct ou | ¢ 1 ?? es ?_? bee 2 i , ? c
The General Consumption Tax Act
goods & services) | oto supches for period exisag bmpotsenrces) oui 7 n 3 4 $ i | = 16] y ste 1 c supplies 10 tex withholding eetes (twes) at sundard hate... . . 2 =18 supphes 10 other entities sunil are , . ....\..o.ne.iiie un 1s supphes 1 twes at other
The General Consumption Tax Act
goods & services) description & type of supply dete of supply value (8) » » ? ¢ e toxable supplies made for he period {add bnesa, b, ¢, dnd 2} section c: quiputtax supplies ststondand rate .. ....... ices spolesatotharfatals} ll... imporied services {deem