government securities short
The Government Securities (Confirmation of Undertaking) Act - Finance and Banking
government securities short title. (confirmation of undertaking) act. 2. in this act ?the undertaking? means the under- interpreta: tion, taking set out in the schedule. schedule. 3. the undertaking is hereby confirmed. confirma- under- taking. [th
The Government Securities Act - Finance and Banking
government securities short title. act. 2. in this act? interpreta- ?competent court? means a court of competent jurisdiction in the united kingdom; ?final judgment, decree, rule or order? means in case of appeal the final judgment, decree, rule or order
2_2010- The Government Securities Dematerialization Act
government securities short title. dematerialization act, 2010. 2. in this act, unless the context otherwise requires? interpreta- tion. ?bank? means the bank of jamaica established under the bank of jamaica act;