The Housing Scheme part of Irwin in the parish of St. James (Housing Area) Order, 2001
griffiths and the commissioner of lands; on the south-east by lands owned by the commissioner of lands; on the south and south-west by lands owned by patrick jarrett, the minister of housing, harold rockhead and norma rockhead, valerie graham ef al, reube
The Housing Scheme part of Vaughnsfield called Pondpiece in the parish of St. James (Housing Area) Order, 2001
griffiths and the commissioner of lands; on the south-east by lands owned by the commissioner of lands; on the south and south-west by lands owned by patrick jarrett, the minister of housing. harold rockhead and norma rockhead, valerie graham ef al, reube
The Registration of Titles, Cadastral Mapping and Tenure Clarification (Special Provisions) (Section 5-Part of Craighead Called Mount Tom, Manchester) Order, 2014
griffiths the names of the partis | enel palmer clarence iw ? interested in lhe survey | sylvia [hinds newville es the name of the party at whose instance the survey was made. novlet the name of the properly surveyed wr of the propery ol which t
The Registration of Titles, Cadastral Mapping and Tenure Clarification ( Special Provisions) ( Section 5- Part of Blenheim In The Parish of Manchester ) Order, 2017
griffiths s07 3350¢ ww 28857 newport p.o. n83 0527 w 06.159 5 j min. n 86 05 55 ww 14.770 30 o a ee 3 > a 32 nos 16 13 e 26649 5p o 3 q re + est. stonley thomas a 398 o/o linnstts griffiths ooh newport p.o, 3 y »eys g . nice 3 £98 : ne blenheim . chippenh
The Registration of Titles, Cadastral Mapping and Tenure Clarification (Special Provisions) (Section 5-Part of Bonavista in the parish of Saint Elizabeth) Order, No. 0018/2018
griffiths the name of the property jor of the property of which the pend surveyed forms port. port of bonavista | judith watscn the names of the parties | interested in (he survey who | ware served with notices. | volentine wilioms rey
The Registration of Titles, Cadastral Mapping and Tenure Clarification (Special Provisions) (Section 5-Part of Spitzbergen called Top Contrivance in the parish of Manchester) Order, No. 0145/2018
griffiths walderston p.o. part fr. walderston? contrivance pari, rd: ey gaynel mitchell walderston p.o. =2 est. urich bonner g. u ¥ 5 q © % u 6 2 c/o roy bonner 5 § 3 walderston p.o. [try fr, : ~ - wal, iy gree © orl; ry, qo
The Registration of Titles, Cadastral Mapping and Tenure Clarification (Special Provisions) (Section 5-Part of Bona Vista in the parish of St. Elizabeth) Order, No. 0062/2018
griffiths fernando dennis santa cruz p.o. jad2001 sonto cruz p.o. £3 a2 le - i 2: survey & mapping division § 3 5 plan checked £ ln 550091.870n 679968.330e fernondo dennia sonta cruz p.o. bona vista 5 0 s 1 1 20 5 30 35 45 50 metres scale lem=5m rf 1500 a
The Registration of Titles, Cadastral Mapping and Tenure Clarification (Special Provisions) (Section 5-Part of Spring Grove in the parish of Manchester) Order, No. 0059/2019
griffiths =x porus p.o. et 5 jad 2001 john griffiths g porus p.o. a n=652343.784 : 3 e£=707868.952m £[= spring grove 5250 5 10 15 20 25 30 3s 40 45 50 metres scale lcm = 5m rf. = 1:500 al marks are ip's unless otherwise stoted, memorandum as
The Emergency Powers Regulations, 2019-Detention (Everton Douglas o/c Fuba) (State of Public Emergency for the Parishes of Kingston and St. Andrew) Order, 2020
griffiths et. ol. ° land?x christiana p.0. 8 : jad 2001 coordinates oe ¥ p old pointf northing (m) easting (m in $ to cp 1 668397.52 697890.64 & 9 § woldentong, 3 668416.27 697850.07 cm, 20 0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 180 200 metres 1 1 1 1 } 31 } 1 1 1