The Excise Duty Act
g.s. dd. 1.9.1990 47/96 act 15/2014 citation, interpretation. manner in which forms, etc., to be filled in.
The Excise Duty Act
g.s. dated amd: it is hereby ordered and directed that the forms set out in the ?m3353 335/71 schedule shall be and are hereby prescribed for the purposes of the scheaute. act. schedule form e1 (regulation 4) shipping bill and debenture for goods ship
The Tourist (Duty-Free) Shopping System Act
g.s. dd. 22.9.1994. citation. application for tourist (duty-free) shop operator's licence. first schedule. orm al. form a2. second scheduls. form b. application for tourist (duty-free) shop - operator's agency permit. form cl. form c2.