The Jamaica Export Free Zones (Portmore Informatics Park Free Zone) Order, 2000
guden mad) 285 vol. cxxiil friday, june 2, 2000 no. 43 no. 56 the jamaica export free zones act the jamaica export free zones (portmore informatics park free zone) order, 200 in exercise of the power conferred on the minister by section 3 of the jama
The Immigration Restriction (Commonwealth Citizens) (Amendment) Regulations, 2004
gudadarnc j jamaica [1 usa [] uk canara [j ovwrrowo (1 | | i 1 1 1 1 { t 3 1 [® occupation oa ld 1b tb fbr 0 cy dq] { 16 home address 7 ow accion f ? street a advunr number § callerngmenc/apeo) ll lobb o4 dt) tty) 43 aha gy "city { cadad state / province
The Registration of Titles, Cadastral Mapping And Tenure Clarification ( Special Provision) ( St. Catherine Lamp Project Area 1 ) ( Nut Shell ) Order, 2011
gudree (fy fre eng gok ttt fri, foi nr 7 gh * qu fo illies ag 1% 2 kortrntran tive. lettmetrel feu, | fty fae i a te of le sogiad nd ol is 2 coed saelid | bovis taetedl ul uae aga a stasetiad i. : wilh, nbc lercon aus nfer ys ~o
The Students' Loan Fund Act - Courts and Judiciary
gud pend ped pk ped jed wo wn = oo students loan fund the students? loan fund act arrangement of sections . short title. . interpretation. establishment of students? loan fund. establishment of the students? loan bureau. . bstablishment of students?
13_2020-The Dogs (Liability for Attacks) Act
guds clerk to the houses of parliament. (acting )
17_2011- The Custos Rotulorum Act
gud) of aston % governor-general. 2 9 aug 2011 an act to establish the office of custos rotulorum. the date notified by the minister | bringing the act into operation be it enacted by the queen's most excellent majesty, by and with the advice and