h. f. cookg
The Assemblies of God in Jamaica Incorporation (Amendment) Act
h. f. cookg, governor-general, 3rd day of may, 2001. an act to amend the assemblies of god in jamaica incorporation law, 1944, [ may 4, 2000 be it enacted by the queen?s most excellent majesty, by and with the advice and consent of the senate and hous
7_2001-The Assemblies of God in Jamaica Incorporation (Amendment) Act
h. f. cookg, governor-general, 3rd day of may, 2001. an act to amend the assemblies of god in jamaica incorporation law, 1944, [ may 4, 2000 be it enacted by the queen?s most excellent majesty, by and with the advice and consent of the senate and hous
No.1- The Loan (Amendment) Act, 2002.
h. f. cookg, governor-general. 20th day of february, 2002. an act to amend the loan act, 1964. [ 1st april, 2001 1} be it enacted by the queen?s most excellent majesty, by and with the advice and consent of the senate and house of representatives of jam
No.34-The Legal Deposits Act,2002.
h. f. cookg, governor-general. 9th september, 2002. an act to make provision for the designation of legal depositories in jamaica and for the deposit therein of documents published in jamaica, to repeal the books (preservation and registration of copie