hagley park road
The Housing Scheme part of Norwood, St. James (Inspection) Notice, 2000
hagley park road in the parish of st. andrew, during the hours specified hereunder : mondays to fridays 9.00 a.m. to 4.00 p.m. 3. any objections or representation by any person may be made in writing and addressed to the permanent secretary, ministry of
The Housing Scheme part of Norwood, St. James (Intention of Approval) Notice, 2000
hagley park road in the parish of st. andrew, during the hours specified hereunder : mondays to fridays 9.00 a.m. to 4.00 p.m. 3. any objections or representation by any person may be made in writing and addressed to the permanent secretary, ministry of
The Housing Scheme Part of Hog Hole, St. Catherine (Housing Area) Order,2003
hagley park road, kingston 10 in the parish of saint andrew within twenty-one (21) days from the date hereof during the hours specified hereunder: mondays to fridays, 9:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. dated at halfway tree this 9th day of june, 2003. donald bucha
The Housing Scheme Part of Hog Hole, St. Catherine (Inspection) Notice,2003.
hagley park road, kingston 10 in the parish of saint andrew within twenty-one (21) days from the date hereof during the hours specified hereunder: mondays to fridays, 9:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. dated at halfway tree this 9th day of june, 2003. donald bucha
The Kingston and St. Andrew (Cemeteries) Act
hagley park road, west by 1 molynss road and part of 3 molynes road. north by premises of erica perry, south by premises of ralph lewis, cyril thomas, larry lowe and daniel gordon, east by church lands, west by premises of allan davis. north by brentfor
The National Water Commission Act
hagley park road. along the centre line at eastwood park road to its intersection to| the centre line at molynes road along the centre line at molynes road to a point 200 feet at right angles to the centre line at eastwood park road thence northerly and p
The National Water Commission Act
hagley park road, kingston 10, on the east by lands part of anchovy registered at vol. 272 fol. 38 owned by may l. munroe, port antonio p.o, and lands part of anchovy called dolphin bay registered at vol. 1066 fol. 723, vol. 1062 fols. 810, 897, 895 and 0
The National Water Commission Act
hagley park road, kingston 10, on the east by lands, part of boscobel registered at vol. 603 fol. 75 owned by paul power mcgregor magnus et al of oracabessa p.o. charge domestic 100% commer- cial /indus- trial 100% - [the inclusion of thi
The National Water Commission Act
hagley park road, kingston 10. paisley pen housing development all that parcel of land part of paisley pen registered at vol. 1097 fol. 471 and partly at vol. 421 and fol. 86 in the parish of clarendon and being the land bounded on the north by lands pa
The National Water Commission Act
hagley park road, on the east by the buff bay river, on the south by remainder of same lands part of woodstock and jubilee pen registered at vol. 1136 fol. 704 owned by ministry of con- struction (housing), 2 hagley park road kingston 10. hamilton lands
The National Water Commission Act
hagley park road, kingston 10, on the south by the old harbour to spanish town main road and on the east by the hangman?s cemetery owned by the st. catherine parish council, spanish town p.o. blackwood garden housing development all that parcel of land
The National Water Commission Act
hagley park road, kingston 10, registered at vol. 1007 fol. 82; on the south by lands part of norwood pen, section b-pt. 1 occupied by the director of environment and housing, 2 hagley park road and the norwood pen, section b-pt. 1 registered at vol. 1029