The Public Health (Class 1 Notifiable Diseases) Order,2003.
hansen's disease); (m) malaria; (n) measles; (0) meningitis; (p) meningococcal meningitis; (q) opthalmia neonatorum; (r) pertussis-like syndrome; (s) plague; (t) rheumatic fever; (u) rubella; (v) severe acute respiratory syndrome (sars); (w) tet
The Leprosy Act
hansen home? and wherever any reference occurs in any enactment or in any rule, regulation, by-law, proclamation, order, notification, notice or any other instrument [the inclusion of this page is authorized by ?ln. 92¢/2012] cap. 218 - act 7 of 201
The Leprosy Act
hansen home?. (2) the hansen home, together with such buildings and land adjacent thereto as may hereafter be erected or acquired for the same purpose shall be deemed to be and the same are hereby declared to be a leprosarium under this act. 5.?(1) the
The National Health Services Act - Health and Safety
hansen home) for the reception or treatment of persons suffering from illness or requiring medical care; or (b) any maternity home, convalescent home or rehabili- tation centre, maintained by the government. 18. where in any written law there is a refe
The Professions Supplementary to Medicine Act - Regulation of Professions
hansen home; or (¢) any nursing home as defined by the nursing homes registration act. 6) speech therapist ln. (6) spee crapis 160/1974. (7) dietetic assistant who holds the diploma or associate degree in ln. dietetics and nutrition from the college o