haulage contractor
The Petroleum (Quality Control) Act
haulage contractors and drivers. application for registra- tion. 17/2001 s. 6(a). approval of applica- tion for registra- tion, petroleum (quality control) section 14 or 15. 7?1) the minister shall cause to be kept in such form as he may determine,
The Petroleum (Quality Control) Act
haulage contractors 3.?(1) application for a licence pursuant to section 5 of the act to first schedule. operate as a haulage contractor shall be in the form prescribed as form 1 in form l. the first schedule. (2) every such application shall be complet
The Petroleum (Quality Control) Act
haulage contractor's licence date of application. ...........covveiereniiieriiinnere cece ay month year 1. full name of @pplicant...........cooveviveriiiceci essere everest eects nana 2. aaaiess coerce three erases ester essere (home) heehee heen ae
The Petroleum (Quality Control) Act
haulage contractors and drivers. date minister of mining and energy form § (regulation 4) the petroleum (quality control) act the petroleum (quality control) regulations, [990 notice of? (a) refusal of application for licence or registration; or (b) s