The Trade (Montreal Protocol) (Trade in Ozone Depleting Controlled Substances) Order, 2014
hcfc? means the hydro-chlorofluorocarbons approved for trade and specified in part ii of the first schedule; ?import quota? means the amount of hcfc allocated for import specified in respect of a particular period as set out in part iii of the first sche
The Trade (Montreal Protocol) (Trade in Ozone Depleting Controlled Substances) Order, 2014
hcfc. third schedule. (3) sub-paragraph (2) shall not apply to the importation of chlorofluorocarbon-based propellants in metered dose-inhalers. (4) subject to sub-paragraph (5), no person shall import halon-based fire-fighting equipment. (5) sub-parag
The Trade (Montreal Protocol) (Trade in Ozone Depleting Controlled Substances) Order, 2014
hcfc is to be imported; (i) the supplier from whom the hcfc is to be imported; (iii) the year of intended importation of hcfc; (iv) the amount of hcfc the company intends to import on a specific occasion or for the year, as the case may be; (v) the hcfc
The Trade (Montreal Protocol) (Trade in Ozone Depleting Controlled Substances) Order, 2014
hcfc the applicant company is licensed to import; specify the year or period in respect of which the licence is valid for the importation of hcfc; and specify such other conditions, if any, as the minister may deem necessary to give effect to the montre
The Trade (Montreal Protocol) (Trade in Ozone Depleting Controlled Substances) Order, 2014
hcfc in the quantity comprising the portion of the annual quota allocation that is the subject of the application; (d) the market price for hcfc is likely to be affected in a manner detrimental to the hcfc market, if the quantity of the hcfc comprising t
The Trade (Montreal Protocol) (Trade in Ozone Depleting Controlled Substances) Order, 2014
hcfc in a breach of its annual quota roots allocation for a particular year, the minister may? (@ reduce the annual quota allocation of hcfc in respect of any year in which the company next makes an application to import hcfc after the year in which the
The Trade (Montreal Protocol) (Trade in Ozone Depleting Controlled Substances) Order, 2014
hcfc imported in breach of its annual quota allocation; (c) revoke the company?s licence to import hcfc under paragraph 12. (2) the minister may take any one or more of the actions specified in sub-paragraph (1) in relation to the breach of a hcfc annual
The Trade (Montreal Protocol) (Trade in Ozone Depleting Controlled Substances) Order, 2014
hcfc the quantity in respect of each annual quota allocation; (b) the country, person, supplier or manufacturer from whom the controlled substance was imported; and (c) such other documents or information, if any, as the minister may specify to be recor
The Trade (Montreal Protocol) (Trade in Ozone Depleting Controlled Substances) Order, 2014
hcfc to specified companies year jan. 1, janl, jan.1, jan. 1, ending 2015to 2020to 2025to 2030to name of importer dec. 31, dec. 31, dec. 31, dec. 31, dec. 31, 2014 2019 2024 2029 2039 (mt) (mv (mo (mt) (mt) 1. acon supplies i 09 0.65 0.325 0.025 2. appli
The Trade (Montreal Protocol) (Trade in Ozone Depleting Controlled Substances) Order, 2014
hcfc) approved for import hydro-chlorofluorocarbons approved for import (hcfc), as follows? (@ hcfc22; (b) hcfc409a; (¢) hcfc408a; (d) hcfc406a; (e) hcfc 103; ® hcfc 141 b; (® hcfc124; (h) hcfc142b;
The Trade (Montreal Protocol) (Trade in Ozone Depleting Controlled Substances) Order, 2014
hcfc quotas 2015-2039 specified period quantity of hcfc 1 january 2015 to 31 december 2019 241.41 metric tonnes 1 january 2020 to 31 december 2024 174.35 metric tonnes 1 january 2025 to 31 december 2029 87.18 metric tonnes 1 january 2030 to 31 decemb
The Trade (Montreal Protocol) (Trade in Ozone Depleting Controlled Substances) Order, 2014
hcfc) (under paragraph 6) nb. please see notes overleaf before completion of application form part a?general 1. full name of applicant company 2. trn.: 3. registered company 4. principal officers address of applicant: of company: ceo/ma
The Trade (Montreal Protocol) (Trade in Ozone Depleting Controlled Substances) Order, 2014
hcfc is to be imported: 8. specify year in which hcfc to be imported is expected to be received: 9. specify the type and amount of hcfc the applicant intends to import: 10. state whether the applicant has previously held a licence(s) to import