housing area order
The Housing Scheme Part of 164 Brunswick Avenue, St. Catherine Housing Area Order, 2000
housing area order, 2000 in exercise of the powers conferred upon the minister by subsection (1) of section 4 the housing act and every other power hereunto enabling the following order is hereby given: ? 1. this order may be cited as the housing scheme
The Housing Scheme Part Of Railway Lane/Barracks Road, Saint James Slum Clearance, (Housing Area) Order,2003.
housing area order, 2003. 2. by this order the lands described in the schedule hereto are hereby declared a slum clearance housing area. schedule all that parcel of land situate in the parish of st. james, butting at the south-eastern corner of the int
The Housing Scheme Part Of Railway Lane/Barracks Road, Saint James Slum Clearance, (Housing Area) Order,2003.
housing area order, 2003. 2. by this order the land described in the schedule hereto is hereby declared a slum clearance housing area. schedule all that parcel of land situate in the parish of kingston, butting and bounding northerly on lands register
The Housing Scheme Part Of Denham Town, Kingston Slum Clearance, (Housing Area) Order,2003.
housing area order, 2003. 2. by this order the land described in the schedule hereto is hereby declared a slum clearance housing area. schedule all that parcel of land situate in the parish of kingston, butting and bounding northerly on lands register
The Housing Scheme Part Of 88-102 Spanish Town Road, Saint Andrew Slum, Clearance (Housing Area) Order,2003
housing area order, 2003. 2. by this order the land described in the schedule hereto is hereby declared a slum clearance housing area. schedule all that parcel of land situate in the parish of saint andrew, butting and bounding north-easterly on spanis
The Housing Scheme Part Of Trench Town, In the Parish Saint Andrew, (Housing Area) Order,2003
housing area order, 2003. 2. by this order the land described in the schedule hereto is hereby declared a slum clearance housing area. schedule all that parcel of land situate in the parish of saint andrew, butting and bounding north-easterly on spanis