17 of 2015 - The Nuclear Safety and Radiation Protection Act
iaea; ?agency? or ?iaea? means the international atomic energy agency; ?alpha particle? means a charged particle identical to a helium nucleus, emitted by naturally radioactive nuclei and consisting of two neutrons and two protons; ?approved? means ap
17 of 2015 - The Nuclear Safety and Radiation Protection Act
iaea of certain nuclear material from the application of safeguards; ?export? means the physical transfer of nuclear or other radioactive material from jamaica to any other state; ?exposure? means the state or condition of being subject to irradiation;
17 of 2015 - The Nuclear Safety and Radiation Protection Act
iaea safeguards, a facility as defined in the relevant safeguards agreement between jamaica and the jaea; ?nuclear or radiation emergency? means an emergency in which there is, or is perceived to be, a hazard due to? (a) the energy resulting from a nuc
17 of 2015 - The Nuclear Safety and Radiation Protection Act
iaea for the application of safeguards in 11
17 of 2015 - The Nuclear Safety and Radiation Protection Act
iaea in the application of safeguards in accordance with the safeguards agreement, and any protocols thereto, between jamaica and the iaea, including conducting inspections and visits, carrying out complementary access and providing any assistance or info
17 of 2015 - The Nuclear Safety and Radiation Protection Act
iaea; establish and implement, in cooperation with the jamaica customs agency, a system of control for the export and import of radioactive material or nuclear material, ources, equipment, information and technology determined to be necessary to implemen
17 of 2015 - The Nuclear Safety and Radiation Protection Act
iaea, including disclosure of information and documents, whether domestically or internationally. 15.?(1) subject to section 14, every person having an official duty or being employed in the administration of this act shall regard and deal with as secret
25 of 2013 - Terrorism Prevention (Amendment) Act
iaea com- prehensive safeguards agreement; or any equipment materials, software, or related technology, that can be used to contribute to the design, manufacture or delivery of a bcn weapon, with the inten- tion that the equipment, materials, software or
25 of 2013 - Terrorism Prevention (Amendment) Act
iaea shall, from time to time, determine; ?special fissionable material? means plutonium-239, uranium-233, uranium enriched in the isotopes 235 or 233, or any material containing one or more of the foregoing, and such other fissionable material as the bo