The Endangered Species (Protection, Conservation and Regulation of Trade) (Conch, Strombus Gigas) Regulations, 2000
iata live animals regulations 5a. purpose of the transaction 5b. security number 7/8. scientific name (genus and species) and | 9. description of specimen 10. appendix no. | 11. quantity (kg or 11a. total exported/ common name of anima
The Endangered Species (Protection, Conservation And Regulation Act(Amendment Of Schedules) Order,2003.
iata alouatta pigra ateles geoffroyi frontatus ateles geoffroyi panamensis brachyteles arachnoides cacajao spp. chiropotes albinasus lagothrix flavicauda saimiri oerstedii cercocebus galeritus galeritus cercopithecus diana macaca silenus mandrillus l
The Endangered Species (Protection, Conservation And Regulation Act(Amendment Of Schedules) Order,2003.
iata amazona ochrocephala belizensis amazona ochrocephala caribaea amazona ochrocephala oratrix . amazona ochrocephala parvipes amazona ochrocephala tresmariae amazona pretrei amazona rhodocorytha amazona tucumana amazona versicolor amazona vina
The Endangered Species (Protection, Conservation And Regulation Act(Amendment Of Schedules) Order,2003.
iata geochelone yniphora gopherus flavomarginatus psammobates geometricus pyxis planicauda testudo kleinmanni testudo werneri cheloniidae cheloniidae spp. marine turtles dermochelyidae dermochelys coriacea leatherback turtles trionychidae apalone ater
The Endangered Species (Protection, Conservation And Regulation Act(Amendment Of Schedules) Order,2003.
iata amandava subflava estrilda astrild estrilda caerulescens estrilda melpoda estrilda troglodytes lagonosticta rara lagonosticta rubricata ghana ghana ghana ghana colombia argentina argentina argentina argentina colombia colombia mauritius maurit
The Aliens (Passenger Information) Regulations, 2007
iata airline code and flight number, and for other vessels, vessel name and voyage number). vessel registration number. country of registration. name of? (a) agent for the vessel; (b) owner of vessel. scheduled departure date (date of scheduled departur
The Endangered Species, Conservation and regulation of Trade) Act
iata alouatta pigra ateles geoffroyi frontatus ateles geoffroyi panamensis brachyteles arachnoides brachyteles hypoxanthus oreonax flavicauda cebidae callimico goeldii callithrix aurita callithrix flaviceps leontopithecus spp. . animals pig-footed b
The Endangered Species, Conservation and regulation of Trade) Act
iata amazona bardadensis amazona brasiliensis amazona finschi amazona guildingii amazona imperialis amazona leucocephala amazona oratrix amazona pretrei amazona rhodocorytha amazona tucumana animals pittas mynahs (starlings) white-eye frigatebird peli
The Endangered Species, Conservation and regulation of Trade) Act
iata astrochelys yniphora chelonoidis nigra gopherus flavomarginatus psammobates geometricus pyxis arachnoides pyxis planicauda testudo kleinmanni apalone spinifera ater aspideretes gangeticus aspideretes hurum aspideretes nigricans altiphrynoides spp
The Endangered Species (Protection, Conservation and Regulation of Trade) (Amendment of Fourth Schedule) Order, 2015
iata thelypteris decrescens thelypreris firma thelypteris gracilenta thelypteris harrisii thelvpreris negligens thelypteris ovata . thelypteris pennata thelypteris randallii thelypreris resinifera var. caribaea thelypteris rudis thelypreris scolapendrio
The Endangered Species (Protection, Conservation and Regulation of Trade) (Amendment of Fourth Schedule) Order, 2015
iata psychotria dura psychotria foctens psychotria hanoverensis psychotria lunanii psychotria siphonophora rondeletia adamsii rondeletia amplexicaulis rondeletia brachyphylla rondeletia cincta rondeletia clarendonensis rondeletia daphnoides plants b