The Financial management Regulation, 2011
iia. preparation and submission of annual estimates responsibility for 11.?(1) the accounting officer shall ensure that the draft estimates preparing annual relating to his department are prepared in conformity with these regulations. expenditure. (2) t
The Registration of Titles, Cadastral Mapping and Tenure Clarification (Special Provisions) (Section 5-Part of Carrisbrook in the parish of Saint Elizabeth) Order, 2018
iiacionsa land surveyor dote of lost tope.check. result. n/a £.0. box 238, mondevile grau be seven viera amended:
The Registration of Titles, Cadastral Mapping and Tenure Clarification (Special Provisions) (Section 5-Part of Goshen in the parish of St. Elizabeth) Order, No. 0529/2020
iiarigs, stated: s i - v arma, ] 7 by curr moze |, 102702 wa, metres bc - 5 < ~ - tnfateafed tn the murvey:wiio ee tts, [rvs taos oo th | econo te os the nema 61 piopacty sirveged | piart of goshen. einai n or of ih . of hick 3 8 ~ : od rvs jom eck | rogv
The Broadcasting and Radio Re-Diffusion Act - Communication and Technology
iia subscriber television service no person to operate subscriber television service without licence. person eligible for licence to operate subscriber television service. offences. part nib. licences application for licences. procedure relating to appl
The Civil Aviation Act - Transport
iia. aviation occurrence investigations s. in this part? ?accident? means an occurrence associated with the operation of an aircraft that takes place during flight time and which results in? (a) a person suffering a fatal or serious injury as a result
The Coconut Industry Aid Act - Agriculture
iia. cess cess on specified edible oils. part ill. licence to manufacture licence necessary to manufacture edible oil. application for licence. trial of offences. [the inclusion of this page is authorized by l.n. 87/2004]
The Coconut Industry Aid Act - Agriculture
iia. cess 13a.?(1) subject to subsection (2), the board may impose a cess on coconut products or substitutes manufactured in or imported into jamaica. [the inclusion of this page is authorized by l.n. 87/2004]
The Contractor-General Act
iia?national contracts commission 23a. in this part ?prospective contractor? means any person, firm or entity proposing to obtain the award of a government contract. 23b.?(1) there is hereby established for the purposes of this act a body to be called
The Dangerous Drugs Act - Courts and Judiciary
iia. ganja 7a. export or import of ganja. 78. cultivation, selling or dealing in or transporting ganja. 7c. possession of ganja. to. smoking of ganja. part iv. cocaine, morphine, etc. 8. import and export of cocaine, etc. 8a. cultivating, selling or