imported services
The General Consumption Tax (Amendment) (No.2) Regulations, 2015
imported services (not to 08 molvded in line §odove). . . . . . ....... .|27 x %] ow [28 gct on imported goods. gct on local packaging materials tota) gct deferred + [%] t= ta net get remittances (for insurance activives only) (transfer from cokimn (h} to
The General Consumption Tax Act
imported services | 8 trensfer omount colin 1) the rok section 0 overtaat transfer ine 11810 line 29, ina 301} yu line 5, une 317) 10 une b1 and line 4{1) te line 33 and une 5{f to line 38. hstructions taxpayers carrying out tourism activities
The General Consumption Tax Act
imported services | 4 . transfer amounts determined in cohann {f) to the relevant lines in section ; transfer une 1{t) to line 33, line 2{f) to line 3, line 31] 10 line 33 3nd line &(f) to line 37, instructions this form is