ina circuit court
13 of 2015 - The Copyright (Amendment) Act
ina circuit court? (i inthe case ofan individual, to a fine and in default of payment thereof'to imprisonment for a term not exceeding five years; or (i) in the case of a body corporate, to a fine.?. 29. the principal act is amended by inserting next a
21 of 2015 - The Fishing Industry (Amendment) Act
ina circuit court, to a fine or to imprisonment for a term not exceeding five years.?. delete all the words appearing after the words «disturbs such fish,? and substitute therefor the words? ?commits an offence and shall be liable? (a) on summary convi
9_2010- The Finncial Investigations Division Act
ina circuit court, to a fine or imprison- ment or to both such fine and imprisonment. knowingly providing 17(11)(b)} on summary conviction before a false or misleading resident magistrate? informayton mn li (a) inthe caseofan individual, purpo ed comp
12_2009- The Sexual Offences Act
ina circuit court, to imprisonment for life or such other term as the court considers appropriate not being less than fifteen years. (c) attempts to commit the offence of rape is liable, on conviction in a circuit court? () where at the time of the atte