independent commission of investigations
The Road Traffic (Amendment) Regulations, 2013
independent commission of investigations constituted under section 3 of the independent commission of investigations act; the vehicle is to be used for the investigation of criminal offences and the owner of the vehicle has obtained the approval of the i
The Disaster Risk Management (Enforcement Measures) (No. 3) Order, 2020
independent commission of investigations; financial services, as defined in the banking services act; credit union business by a society registered under the co-operative societies act; services connected with oil-refining and with the loading, distrib
The Disaster Risk Management (Enforcement Measures) (No. 3) Order, 2020
independent commission of investigations; persons employed to the cabinet office, the office of the prime minister, the ministry with responsibility for finance and the public service, tax administration jamaica, the accountant general?s department or eg
The Disaster Risk management Orders - Defence and National Security
independent commission of investigations. 28. persons employed to the cabinet office, the office of the prime minister, the ministry with responsibility for finance and the public service, tax administration jamaica, the accountant general?s department o
The Disaster Risk management Orders - Defence and National Security
independent commission of investigations. 10. bank or financial services, as defined in the banking services act. 11. credit union business by a society registered under the co-operative societies act. 12. services connected with oil-refining and with
The Disaster Risk management Orders - Defence and National Security
independent commission of investigations or an employee of the independent commission of investigations. 22. duties involving the hearing of emergency matters before a court, as determined by that court. 23. any attorney-at-law attending at police stati
The Independent Commissions of Investigations Act
independent commission of investigations the independent commission of investigations act arrangement of sections part i. preliminary . short title. . interpretation. part i1.- the independent commission of investigations independent commission of i
The Independent Commissions of Investigations Act
independent commission of investigations 3 the independent commission of act investigations act 12 of 2010. [16? august, 2010.] part 1. preliminary 1. this act may be cited as the independent commission of short title. investigations act. 2. in this
The Independent Commissions of Investigations Act
independent commission of investigations 3.?(1) for the purposes of this act, there is hereby con- stituted a commission of parliament to be known as the independent commission of investigations. . : 2) the commission shall consist. of .a commissioner,
independent commission of investigations; financial services, as defined in the banking services act; credit union business by a society registered under the co-operative societies act; services connected with oil-refining and with the loading, distrib
independent commission of investigations; persons employed to the cabinet office, the office of the prime minister, the ministry with responsibility for finance and the public service, tax administration jamaica, the accountant general?s department or eg
5 of 2021- The Appropriation Act
independent commission of investigations integrity commission office of the prime minister office of the prime minister, capital, multilateral/bilateral programme(s) jamaica information service registrar general?s department and island records office
08_2018-The Appropriation Act
independent commission of investigations 397,907.0 144,176.0 office of the prime minister 5,246,985.0 1,235,000.0 office of the prime minister, capital, multilateral/bilateral programmes) 5,516,555.0 125,000.0 jamaica information service 649,339.0 85,973.
05_2017-The Appropriation Act
independent commission of investigations office of the prime minister office of the prime minister, capital office of the prime minister, capital, multilateral/bilateral programmes) jamaica information service registrar general?s department and islan
12 of 2016 - The Approriations Act
independent commission of investigations office of the prime minister office of the prime minister, capital, multilateral/bilateral programme(s) jamaica information service office of the cabinet office of the cabinet, capital, multilateral/bilateral