The Jamaica Export Free Zones (Portmore Informatics Park Free Zone) Order, 2000
informatics park free zone) order, 200 in exercise of the power conferred on the minister by section 3 of the jamaica export free zones act, and of every other power hereunto enabling, the following order is hereby made: -- 1. this order may be cited as
The Delegation of Functions (Public Service) Order, 2001
informa- tion service except the office of chief executive officer, and all appointment removal disciplinary control appointment removal disciplinary control appointment removal disciplinary control the chief executive officer the chief executive off
The Natural Resources Conservation (Blue and John Crow Mountains National Park) (User Fees) Regulations,2003.
information l. name of applicant(s) 2, postal address of applicant(s) 3. telephone no(s) facsimile no(s) e-mail address b. general projects information 4. title of project
The Access to Information Act, 2002 (Appointed Day) Notice
information act (act 21 of 2002) the access to information act, 2002 (appointed day) notice in exercise of the power conferred upon the minister by section 1 of the access to information act, 2002, the following notice is hereby given: ? 1. this notice
The Access to Information Act, 2002 (Appointed Day) Notice
information act (act 21 of 2002) the access to information act, 2002 (appointed day) notice in exercise of the power conferred upon the minister by section 1 of the access to information act, 2002, the following notice is hereby given: ? 1. this notice
The Customs (Prescribed Forms) (Amendment) Order. 2004.
information 9. vessel name/flight no. 12. port of entry 10. dateof report + 13. no of packages (year/month/day) bl bill of lading/air waybill number/document 14. no of pages including c86 no. -? 15) list all items in this consignment below 01g item
The Access To Information ( Public Authorities) (Amendment) Order, 2005
information act the access to information (public authorities) (amendment) order, 2005 in exercise of the power conferred upon the minister by section 5(1)(a) of the access to infermation act, 2002, the following order is hereby made: ? 1. this order m
The Diplomatic Immunities and Privileges (Regional Negotiating Machinery) Order, 2006
information technology specialist in witness whereof, the undersigned, being duly authorized, have signed this agreement. done this 3rd day of july, 2004 at georgetown, guyana. edwin carrington secretary-general of the caribbean community. k. d. knight
The Beach Control (Safety Measures) Regulations, 2006
information applicant?s first: middle: | a mr. last name 0 miss oo mrs. birth date: sex; o m of place of birth: parish of birth: street address: home phone no.: cell phone no.: town: parish: post office: tmail address: employer: employer's phone
The Law Revision (Authorized Pages) (Subsidiary Legislation) Order, 2008
information affiliation airports authority architects registration banking broadcasting and radio re-diffusion civil aviation schedule second column pages authorized to be removed (inclusive) 1,34,5,7-8,9-10, 11-12, 13-14, 15-16 1, 3-4, 5
The Civil Service Establishment ( General ) ( Amendment) Order, 2021
information & access services no of offices office 5 classification grade remarks 1 procurement manager gmg seg 1 post [# 8219] of information officer (pidg/ar 5) reclassified and retitled with effect from april 1, 2010. . 1 office management invent