Annex to Ministerial Order - ( Issued By The MInister of Commerce, Science and Technology Pursuant To Sections 38 and 39 of The Telecommunications Act, 2000)
international chamber of commerce. the purpose of the arbitration shall be to determine the relevant traffic volumes and times and consequently the levy due. the carrier shall pay the levy due based on the outcome of the arbitration within seven (7) days
The Caribbean Investment Fund Act - Caribbean Community (CARICOM)
international chamber of commerce by one arbitrator appointed in accordance with the said rules. 21.1.4 if any event giving rise to any controversy, dispute or question arises prior to icwi being released under clause 15.1, then such controversy, disput
1 of 2013 - Protection of Plant Genetic Resources for... Act
international chamber of commerce, by one or more arbitrators appointed in accordance with the said rules. either party to the dispute may, if it so chooses, appoint its arbitrator from such list of experts as the governing body may establish for this pur