international civil aviation
The Caribbean Meteorological Organization Act - Caribbean Community (CARICOM)
international civil aviation organisation; (g) the execution of basic scientific observations in keeping with its objectives; (h) participation in work in applied meteorology, agricultural me- teorology, hydrology and associated research of direct inter
The Caribbean Meteorological Organization Act - Caribbean Community (CARICOM)
international civil aviation organisation (icao), especially the regional air navigation meetings; (f) collecting and disbursing funds for the operation of regional programmes in meteorology and allied sciences as determined by the council; (¢) initiati
The Carriage by Air (Montreal Convention) Act
international civil aviation, done at chicago on tth december, 1944; | convinced that collective state action for further harmonization and codification of certain rules governing international carriage by air through a new convention is the most adequat
The Carriage by Air (Montreal Convention) Act
international civil aviation organization, and certified copies thereof shali be transmitted by the depositary to ali states parties to this convention, as well as to ali states parties to the warsaw convention, the hague protocol, the guadalajara convent
2_2009- The Carriage by Air (Montreal Convention) Act
international civil aviation, done at chicago on 7th december, 1944; convinced that collective state action for further harmonization and codification of certain rules governing international carriage by air through a new convention is the most adequate
2_2009- The Carriage by Air (Montreal Convention) Act
international civil aviation organization in montreal until it enters into force in accordance with paragraph 6 of this article. 2. this convention shall similarly be open for signature by regional economic integration organisations. for the purpose of t
2_2009- The Carriage by Air (Montreal Convention) Act
international civil aviation organization, and certified copies thereof shall be transmitted by the depositary to alt states parties to this convention, as well as to all states parties to the warsaw convention, the hague protocol, the guadalajara convent
The Security Interests in Personal Property Act
international civil aviation concluded in chicago, united states of america, on december 7,1944, as in force in relation to jamaica; ?password? includes a confidential key issued by or under the authority of the registry; ?registrant? means the person w