international olympic committee
22 of 2014 - The Anti-Doping in Sport Act
international olympic committee; (b) the international paralympic committee; (c) the world anti-doping agency; (d) an international federation; (e) amajor event organization that conducts testing at its events; (f) the commission; (g) any other nationa
22 of 2014 - The Anti-Doping in Sport Act
international olympic committee, the international paralympic committee, an international federation, a major event organization, or another international sport organization is the ruling body for the event or competition or appoints the technical officia
22 of 2014 - The Anti-Doping in Sport Act
international olympic committee or sport accord; ?international-level athlete? means an athlete who competes in sport at the international level as defined by each international federation consistent with the international standard for testing and invest
22 of 2014 - The Anti-Doping in Sport Act
international olympic committee (including the national sport confederation in countries where the national sport confederation assumes typical national olympic committee responsibilities in the anti-doping area); ?out-of-competition? means any period wh
22 of 2014 - The Anti-Doping in Sport Act
international olympic committee and constituted as a foundation in lausanne, switzerland. (2) the commission may apply anti-doping rules to a person who competes in sport and who is neither an internation-level athlete nor a national-level athlete and th
22 of 2014 - The Anti-Doping in Sport Act
international olympic committee or the international paralympic committee; (f) the jamaica olympic association; and (g) wada. 2] disciplinary panel may regulate proceedings. establishment of appeal tribunal. fourth schedule. appeals to appeal tribun
10_2008- The Anti-Doping in Sport Act
international olympic committee; short title. interpretation. bn
10_2008- The Anti-Doping in Sport Act
international olympic committee? means the organization created by the congress of paris on june 23, 1894 and entrusted with the control and development of the modern olympic games; ?international paralympic committee? means the organization established
10_2008- The Anti-Doping in Sport Act
international olympic committee and constituted as a foundation in lausanne, switzerland by an instrument of foundation signed on november 10, 1999, and named in that instrument as the world anti-doping agency. objects of 3. the objects of this act are t