international organizations
The General Consumption Tax (Amendment of Schedules) Order, 2013
international organizations june 15, 2012 1. articles for the use of and services performed for the governor-general. 2. articles imported into jamaica or purchased in bond or directly from or services rendered by a registered taxpayer . for the persona
The International Development Association Agreement Act - International Relations
international organizations and members providing development assistance the association shall cooperate with those public international organizations and members which provide financial and technical assist- ance to the less-developed areas of the world.
The International Development Association Agreement Act - International Relations
international organizations the association shall enter into formal arrangements with the united nations and may enter into such arrangements with other public international organizations having specialized responsibilities in related elds. section 8. lo
The International Finance Corporation Agreement Act - Finance and Banking
international organizations the corporation, acting through the bank, shall enter into formal arrangements with the united nations and may enter into such arrangements with other public international organizations having specialized responsibilities in r