island chemist
The Calcium Carbide (Sale and Storage) Act - Environment
island chemist for his report as to whether the given sample is fit and safe for use. any carbide thus certified to be impure to a dangerous extent shall be subject to confis- cation. 7. if any person shall commit an offence against any provision of this
The Evidence Act - Courts and Judiciary
island chemist's certificate certificate prima facie evidence at preliminary investigation, interpretation. part v1. service of courts process (proof) service of summons may be proved by affidavit or affirmation, form of affidavit. original summons to
The Evidence Act - Courts and Judiciary
island chemist's certificate 52. at any preliminary investigation held by a court into facts which constitute an indictable offence, and which may necessitate the sending on of an accused person for trial, such court may. for the purpose of determining w
The Petroleum and Oil Fuel (landing and Storage) Act
island chemist, or government chemist who shall certify the result of such further test in writing under his sig- nature; and a paper, purporting to be such certificate and so signed, shall be accepted as evidence in the case, unless disproved. 14. petro
The Sugar Industry Control Act - Agriculture
island chemist or other duly qualified analytical chemist nominated by the minister, "as to the sucrose content of any canes which may be the subject of dispute. (4) on the written request by any party to the refer- ence, the authority shall hear the r
The Dangerous Drugs Act
island chemist, the government chemist and the govern- ment pathologist; and (g) an authorized veterinary surgeon, are hereby authorized, so far as may be necessary for the practice or exercise of their respective professions or employments in their capa