ist april
The Copyright Act - Culture and Heritage
ist april to 30th june, ist july to 30th september or 1st october to 31st decem- ber. (3) copying is not authorized by this section if, or to the extent that, licences are available authorizing the copying in question and the person making the copies kne
The Parochial Rates and Finance Act - Local Government
ist april. 12/1985 sch. payment of rate. parochial rates and finance, required by this section, the minister may fix such parish rate and the details relating to such rate, as he may think fit. (7) the provisions of this section shall not apply to th
The Agricultural Credit Board Act
ist april, ist july and ist october in each year. the principal sum is to be repaid on the. .........ccoooviiniiiiiiiii ld provided that if interest is paid regularly on ?each of the foregoing quarter days and each and every one of the instalments follo