jamaica north south
The Bank of Jamaica (Dealings in Foreign Currency) (Loan to Jamaica North South Highway Company Limited) (Exemption) Order, 2014
jamaica north south highway company limited) (exemption) order, 2014 in exercise of the power conferred upon the minister by section 22c of the bank of jamaica act, the following order is hereby made:? 1. this order may be cited as the bank of jamaica (
The Stamp Duty (Transfer of Lands from the National Road Operating and Constructing Company to the JNSH Company Limited) Remission of Duty) Notice, 2018
jamaica north south highway company limited; (b) the transfer of part of the land comprised in the certificate of title registered at volume 1445 folio 450 of the register book of titles and being more particularly that portion amounting to 11.3095 hecta
The Transfer Tax (Transfer of Lands from the National Road Operating and Constructing Company Limited to the JNSH Company Limited) (Remission of Tax) Notice, 2018
jamaica north south highway company limited; (b) the sum of sixty-nine million dollars ($69,000,000.00) for the transfer of part of the land comprised in the certificate of title registered at volume 1445 folio 450 of the register book of titles and bein
The Stamp Duty (Transfer of Lands from the National Road Operating and Constructing Company Limited to the JNSH Company Limited) (Remission of Duty) (No. 2) Notice, 2018
jamaica north south highway company limited. dated this 15th day of january, 2018. audley shaw minister of finance and the public service. printed by jamaica printing services (1992) ltd., (government printers), duke street, kingston, jamaica
The Toll Roads Act - Transport
jamaica north south highway company limited on the 21st day of june, 2012; ?developer? means the jamaica north south highway company limited; ?grantor? means the national road operating and constructing company limited. 3. the areas described in the fi
The Toll Roads Act
jamaica north south highway company limited on the 21st day of june, 2012; ?developer? means the jamaica north south highway company limited; ?grantor? means the national road operating and constructing company limited. 3. the areas described in the fi