jamaica railway corporation
The Housing Scheme part of Bushy Park, St. Catherine (Housing Area) Order, 2000
jamaica railway corporation, butting north-casterly on main road leading from sterling castle to linstead?ewarton main road, butting easterly on lands in the possession of lloyd bailey, butting southerly on lands in the possession of errol gidden, lands i
The Housing Scheme part of Rosemont, St. Catherine (Housing Area) Order, 2000
jamaica railway corporation, butting north-casterly on main road leading from sterling castle to linstead-?-ewarton main road, butting easterly on lands in the possession of lloyd bailey, butting southerly on lands in the possession of errol gidden, lands
The National Water Comission (Water Supply Services) (Rates and Charges) (Amendment) Regulation, 2001
jamaica railway corporation to the point where the south- western boundary of an abandoned parochial road abuts the northern boundary of a parochial road leading from new market pen to the spanish town to old harbour main road aforementioned, thence north
The Housing Scheme part of Chiswick and Bellrock, St. Thomas (Housing Area) Order, 2001
jamaica railway corporation reserve. westerly by the parochial road leading from the old harbour main road to hartlands. easterly by the remainder of same lands belonging to innswood estate limited. dated at halfway tree this 12th day of march, 2001. ka
The Housing Scheme part of Small Wood Pen, St. Catherine (Housing Area) Order, 2001
jamaica railway corporation reserve. westerly by the parochial road leading from the old harbour main road to hartlands. easterly by the remainder of same lands belonging to innswood estate limited. dated at halfway tree this 12th day of march, 2001. ka
The Housing Scheme Part of Nashville, Saint Mary ( Housing Area) Order, 2011
jamaica railway corporation then south-easterly for approximately 153 metres along the eastern boundary butting lands registered at volume 1146 folio 312, then north- . westerly for approximately 89 metres then south-westerly for approximately 87 metres
The Town and Country Planning (Portland Parish) (Provisional Development Order, 2013 (Confirmation) Notification, 2015
jamaica railway corporation? immediately above the words ?lb long bay local planning area?. amendments in the ?contents? after appendix 17 insert ?appendix 18 advertisement guidelines?. in the ?contents? after the new appendix 18 insert ?appendix 19 ag
The Special Economic Zone (Cimpress Jamaica Limited-Part of Fairfield Estate in the Parish of Saint James) Order, 2019
jamaica railway corporation. then generally in a southerly direction for approximately one hundred and twenty meters and two hundred and ninety thousandths of a meter (120.290m) along the said common boundary between lot number one and land in the name o
The Human Employment and Resource Training Act - Education
jamaica railway corporation national housing development corporation national housing trust national sugar company limited national water commission petcom limited petrojam limited petroleum corporation of jamaica port authority sugar industry auth
The Jamaica Railway Corporation Act - Transport
jamaica railway corporation the jamaica railway corporation act 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. arrangement of sections part 1 preliminary short title. interpretation. part 11 establishment, duties and powers of the corporation . establishment of jamaica
The Jamaica Railway Corporation Act - Transport
jamaica railway corporation struction of a railway, but does not include an independent contractor; ?rate? means any charge for receiving, forwarding, conveying or delivering goods; ?route mileage? means the distance between the terminal points of main
The Jamaica Railway Corporation Act - Transport
jamaica railway corporation part v financial provisions 27.?(1) the revenues of the corporation shall be applied for the purposes authorized by this or any other act in relation to the functions of the corporation and without prejudice to the generality
The Land Surveyors Act - Real Estate
jamaica railway corporation, ?notice? means notice of survey; ?plan? includes a map, plat, or diagram, ?practice? in relation to the science of land surveying means the execution of cadastral surveys and of topographical surveys of registered lands; ?p