jamaica urban transit company limited
The Public Passenger Transport (Kingston Metropolitan Transport Region) Licence Amendment,2004.
jamaica urban transit company limited is amended with the consent of the licensee in the manner set out in the schedule hereto: ? schedule provision of licence amendment clause 1 1. delete from the definition of "licensee" the words appearing after
The Public Passenger Transport (Kingston Metropolitan Transport Region) (Jamaica Urban Transit Company Limited Third-Party Insurance Scheme) Order, 2008
jamaica urban transit company limited third-party insurance scheme) order, 2008. 2 the jamaica urban transit company limited (hereinafter referred to as "the company") is, subject to its establishment and maintenance of an insurance fund in
The Approved Organization and Authority Loans ( Government Guarantee ) ( Bank of Nova Scotia Jamaica Limited 425, 000..000.00 Loan To Jamaica Urban Transit Company Limited) Remission ) Order, 2009
jamaica urban transit company limited) (remission) order, 2009 whereas the bank of nova scotia jamaica limited (the ?bank?) has agreed to lend to jamaica urban transit company limited (?jutc?) up to four hundred and twenty-five million dollars ($425,000,
The Approved Organization and Authority Loans ( Government Guarantee ) ( Bank of Nova Scotia Jamaica Limited 425, 000..000.00 Loan To Jamaica Urban Transit Company Limited) Remission ) Order, 2009
jamaica urban transit company limited) (remission) order, 2009 and shall take effect and come into operation as law on the date hereof. 2. stamp duty and transfer tax which may be charged or chargeable on or in respect of the loan agreement, any promisso
The Transport Authority ( Amendment) Regulations, 2016
jamaica urban transit company limited's exclusive licence in the kingston metropolitan transport region in the case of every sub-licence, the vehicle shall be coloured yellow (code #800-jy? 01).?. dated this 31st day of march, 2016. . michael henry mini
6_2010- The PPT (KGN Metropolitan Transport Region) (JUTC Ltd Third-Party Insurance Scheme)Act
jamaica urban transit company limited, as if exempt from the provisions of the motor vehicles insurance (third- party risks) act by virtue of its establishment and maintenance of a self-insurance fund, from the 1st day of april, 2004 to the 20th day of no
6_2010- The PPT (KGN Metropolitan Transport Region) (JUTC Ltd Third-Party Insurance Scheme)Act
jamaica urban transit company limited third-party insurance scheme) (validation and indemnity) act, 2010 after considering any recommendation of the public passenger trans- port (kingston metropolitan transport region) board of control, by order declare
6_2010- The PPT (KGN Metropolitan Transport Region) (JUTC Ltd Third-Party Insurance Scheme)Act
jamaica urban transit company limited third-party insurance scheme) (validation and indemnity) act, 2010 2.?(1) notwithstanding anything to the contrary, every act or thing done in good faith by the jamaica urban transit company limited (hereinafter ref
6_2010- The PPT (KGN Metropolitan Transport Region) (JUTC Ltd Third-Party Insurance Scheme)Act
jamaica urban transit company limited third-party insurance scheme) (validation and indemnity) act, 2010 passed in the house of representatives this 23rd day of february, 2010. delroy chuck speaker. passed in the senate this 12th day of march, 2010. o