jan. 26,2009
The Endangered Species, Conservation and regulation of Trade) Act
jan. 26,2009 fauna suidae tayassuidae carnivora ailuridae canidae felidae first schedule, contd. animals babyrousa babyrussa babirusa, pygmy babyrousa bolabatuensis hog babyrousa celebensis babyrosa togeanensis sus salvanius catagonus
The Endangered Species, Conservation and regulation of Trade) Act
jan. 26,2009] proclamations, rules and regulations 28a° fauna felidae, contd. lutrinae mustelinae otariidae phocidae ursidae first schedule, contd. animals prionailurus bengalensis bengalensis (only the populations of bangladesh, india and
The Endangered Species, Conservation and regulation of Trade) Act
jan. 26,2009 fauna indridae lemuridae lepilemuridae lorisidae pithecidae proboscidea elephantidae rodentia chinchillidae muridae sciuridae sirenia dugongidae trichechidae aves anseriformes anatidae first schedule, contd. indridae spp. le
The Endangered Species, Conservation and regulation of Trade) Act
jan. 26,2009 fauna cervidae hippopotamidae moschidae tayassuidae (conti.) carnivora canidae canidae eupleridae felidae second schedule, contd. cervus elaphus bactrianus pudu mephistophiles hexaprotodon liberiensis hippopotamus amphibi
The Endangered Species, Conservation and regulation of Trade) Act
jan. 26,2009 fauna cervidae hippopotamidae moschidae tayassuidae (conti.) carnivora canidae canidae eupleridae felidae second schedule, contd. cervus elaphus bactrianus pudu mephistophiles hexaprotodon liberiensis hippopotamus amphibi
The Endangered Species, Conservation and regulation of Trade) Act
jan. 26,2009 fauna viperidae testudines chelydridae emydidae geoemydidae trionychidae echinodermata holothuroidea aspidochirotida stichopodidae third schedule, contd. animals vipers crotalus durissus daboia russelii snapping turtles macro