jan. 8
The Capital Development Fund (Withdrawal) (No. 1) Order, 2001
jan. 8, 2001 sixty million dollars ($360m) from the cdf and two hundred and fifty million dollars ($250m) to be raised from a bond issue. the funding requirements pertaining to equity investments for the nibj as at october 31, 2000 as presented to
Licence - Prayer Tent Church of God Limited
jan. 8, 2001 now, therefore, the minister in exercise of the powers conferred upon him by section 20 of the companies act, and in consideration of the provisions contained in the memorandum of association of the said company as subscribed by seven (7)
The Companies Act
jan. 8, 2001 now, therefore, the minister in exercise of the powers conferred upon him by section 20 of the companies act, and in consideration of the provisions contained in the memorandum of association of the said company as subscribed by seven (7)
The Judicature (Circuit Courts) (Times and Places for the Holding Thereof) Order, 2007
jan. 8?jan. 26 hanover february 19 march 9 trelawny february 19 march 9 st. elizabeth march 5 march 23 st. mary march 5 march 23 portland march 5 march 23 st. thomas march 12 march 30 gun court: {supreme court): two divisions will be in session each week
The Bank of Jamaica (Dealings in Foreign Currency Instruments) (Eligible Collective Investment Schemes) (Exemption) Order, 2015
jan. 8, 2015 and continuously complies with quarterly reporting requirements specified by the bank of jamaica. ?exempt instruments? means securities or instruments issued by the government of jamaica or issued or expressly guaranteed by the govern
The Bank of Jamaica (Dealings in Foreign Currency Instruments) (Eligible Collective Investment Schemes) (Exemption) Order, 2015
jan. 8, 2015] proclamations, rules and regulations 170e m @ ® m @ first schedule investment grade sovereign foreign currency instruments in all currencies; investment grade corporate foreign currency instruments in all currencies issued by cor
The Stamp Duty (Transfer of Lands from the Urban Development Corporation to the National Road Operating and Constructing Company Limited) (Remission of Duty) Notice, 2018
jan. 8,2018 2. the minister being satisfied that it is just and equitable to do so, hereby remits the stamp duty in the sum of forty dollars ($40.00) payable on the instruments of transfer in respect of? (@) the transfer of part of the parcel of