jp speaker jamaica no
3 of 2020-The Appropriation Act
jp speaker jamaica no. = ? 2020 i assent, [ls] sg pol mie governor-general. 20 day of mark 2020 an act to apply a sum out of the consolidated fund to the service of the year ending on the 31st day of march, 2021, and to appropriate the sums granted
08_2018-The Appropriation Act
jp speaker jamaica no. ¢ ? 2018 i assent, [l.s.] 7 . sd. / al hl governor-general. zs dew of tact, 20/8 er an act to apply a sum out of the consolidated fund to the service of the year ending on the 31st day of march, 2019 and to appropriate
23_2017-The Constitution (Amendment) (Establisment Fund) (Payment of Pensions) Act
jp speaker jamaica no. 23 ? 2017 i assent, [ls] qu. [| l ha j governor-general. 234 olay of (liter a3 an act to amend the constitution of jamaica to provide for circumstances in which pensions, gratuities and other allowances may be paid out of a
29_2017- The Transfer Tax (Amendment) Act
jp speaker jamaica no. ~¢] ?2017 i assent, [l.s.] st. [ l. hlew governor-general. 204 day f novendes _2orz an act to amend thetransfer tax act. [=~ november 20/7 ] be it enacted by the queen?s most excellent majesty, by and with the advice and co