july 14, 2015
The Fishing Industry (Declaration of Close Season) Conch, Genus Strombus) (No.2)Order, 2015
july 14, 2015 no. 79a no. 113a the fishing industry act the fishing industry (declaration of close season) (conch, genus strombus) (no. 2) order, 2015 in exercise of the power conferred upon the minister by section 19 of the fishing industry act,
The Companies Act - Licence
july 14, 2015 no. 79b no. 113b . the companies act licence whereas it has been proved to the minister that united faith evangelistic ministry limited which was duly registered on the 8th day of september, 1993, as a limited liability company is f
The Companies Act - Licence
july 14, 2015 no. 79b no. 113b . the companies act licence whereas it has been proved to the minister that united faith evangelistic ministry limited which was duly registered on the 8th day of september, 1993, as a limited liability company is f
The Companies Act - Licence
july 14, 2015 no. 79c no. 113g the companies act licence whereas it has been proved to the minister that ruach stream of the living water ministries limited which was duly registered on the 25th day of march, 2015, as a limited liability company
The Housing Scheme Part of Tryall Estate, Phase 1, Lot 54, Saint Mary (Housing Area) Order, 2015
july 14, 2015 no. 79d no. 113) the housing act the housing scheme part of tryall estate, phase 1, lot 54, saint mary (housing area) order, 2015 in exercise of the powers conferred upon the minister by section 4(1) of the housing act and every oth
The Housing Scheme Part of Tryall Estate, Phase 1, Lot 54, Saint Mary (Housing Area) Order, 2015
july 14, 2015 schedule all that parcel of land part of tryall estate, phase | in the parish of saint mary and being part of the land comprised in certificate of title registered at volume 1358 folio 229. starting at a point at the intersection of
The Companies Act - Licence
july 14, 2015 no. 79e no. 113l the companies act licence whereas it has been proved to the minister that vision apostolic house of prayer limited which was duly registered on the 24th day of december, 2013, as a limited liability company is forme
The Companies Act - Licence
july 14, 2015] proclamations, rules and regulations 5640 t formed for the purpose of promoting objects of the nature contemplated by subsection (1) of section 16 of the companies act, and that it is the intention of the said company that the income a