july 20,2009
The Provisional Collection of Tax ( Firearm Licence Duty ) Order, 2009
july 20,2009 (ity paragraph (c), the words ?two hundred? and substituting therefor the words ?twenty thousand?; (iif) paragraph (d), the words ?six thousand? and substituting therefor the words ?eight thousand?; (iv) paragraph (e), the words ?six
The Registration of Title Cadastral Mapping And Tenure Clarification ( Special Provisions) Kitson Town Project Area 1 ) Order, 2009
july 20,2009 second schedule (paragraph 3) 1. there being no breach of existing covenants or supportable objections. 2. there veing a satisfactory building site on each residential lot, with satisfactory ingress/egress. 3. no factory or other man
The Units Trust ( Books and Document) ( Amendment) Regulation, 2009
july 20,2009] proclamations, rules and regulations 180v* (i) in a daily newspaper in circulation throughout jamaica, not less than forty-five days after the end of the quarter; (e) cause to be published? (i) assoon as is reasonably practicable,