july 5, 2001
The Land Development and Utilization Commission (Belle Air) Idle Land Order, 2001
july 5, 2001 no. 48c ee fr yy no. 78c¢ the land development and utilization act (act 22 of 1966) the land development am utiiizavon commission (belle air) idle lland order, 2001 in exercise of the powers conferred upon the land development and utilizat
Licence - Holiness Temple Limited
july 5, 2001 no. 48b no. 78s i! the companies act dear licence whereas it has been proved to the minister that holiness temple limited which was duly registered on the 14th january, 1981 as a limited liability company is formed for the purpose of promo
The Broadcasting and Radio Re-Diffusion Act - Communication and Technology
july 5, 2001, as is in force in relation to jamaica. ?video programming? means the transmission of visual images by means of radio magnetic signals or optical agency. (2) for the purposes of this act a person shall be deem to engage in commercial broad
17_2005- The Caribbean Court of Justice (Original Jurisdiction) Act
july 5, 2001. 3. the provisions of the agreement other than paragraph 1 (b) of certain article iii, paragraph 1 (c) of article xi, article xiv, article xxv oveions of and paragraph (b) of article xxvi thereof (hereinafter referred to as given force the a
11_2008- The Broadcasting and Radio Re-Diffusion (Amendment) Act
july 5, 2001, as is in force in relation to jamaica.?. 4. section 3 of the principal act is amended by deleting subsection (1) and substituting therefor the following? «? (1) no person shall establish or maintain any broadcasting apparatus with a view
17_2005- The Caribbean Court of Justice (Original Jurisdiction) Act
july 5, 2001. 3. the provisions of the agreement other than paragraph 1 (b) of certain article iii, paragraph 1 (c) of article xi, article xiv, article xxv oveions of and paragraph (b) of article xxvi thereof (hereinafter referred to as given force the a