june, 1955
The Law Revision Act
june, 1955" and in the appropriate chronological sequence, the following? "act 3 of 1997 the loan (amendment) act, 1997. act 16 of 1997 the representation of the people (validation and indemnity) act, 1997. act43 of 1997 the holidays (public general) (
The Law Revision (Amendment of Schedules) Order, 2001
june, 1955" the following? "act 23 of 1991 the jamaica broadcasting section 7.". corporation (amendment) act, 1991 (c) insert in the respective column and.in the appropriate chronological sequence, the following? "act 19 of 1997 the public broadcasting
The Law Revision (Amendment Of Schedule) Order,2003.
june, 1955" the following? "act80f 197] the insurance act, 1971 subsections (2), (3) and (4) of section 109 ". (b) insert in the respective column and in the appropriate chronological sequence, the following? "act60f2001 the criminal justice section 3.
The Law Revision (Amendment of Schedules) Order, 2007
june, 1955? and in appropriate chronological sequence the following? ?act 24 of 2004 the banking (licences) (forms of application and fees) regul- ations, 1973 (validation and indemnity) act, 2004. act 27 of 2005 the judicature (juvenile courts and othe
The law Revision ( Amendment of Schedule) Order, 2009
june, 1955? and in the appropriate chronological sequence the following? ?act 8 of the financial services commission 2006 (insurance services) (validation and indemnity) act, 2006?. dated this 27th day of february, 2009. dorothy lightbourne minister of
The law Revision ( Amendment of Schedule) Order, 2011
june, 1955? and in the appropriate chronological sequence the following? ?act 4 of the appropriation act, 2008. 2008 act 15 of the loan (amendment) act, 2008. 2008 act 7 of the appropriation act, 2009.? 2009 . second schedule - insert in the respective
The Apprenticeship Act - Employment
june, 1955.) 1. this act may be cited as the apprenticeship act. preliminary laws £5 of 1954, 26 of 1957, act 10f 1979 1st sch. short title. 2. in this act, unless the context otherwise requirés? interpreta- tion. ?apprentice? means a person employed
The Law Revision Act
june, 1955 law 31 of 1955 law 35 of 1935 law 8 of 1955 law 32 of 1956 law 40 of 1956 law 67 of 1956 law 70 of 1956 law 71 of 1956 law revision fst schedule, contd. {section 9) title or subject matter the estate duty law, 1954. the estate du
The Law Revision Act
june, 1955, contd. law 74 of 1956 law 1 of 1957 law 31 of 1957 law 34 of 1958 law 47 of 1958 law 49 of 1958 law 52 of 1938 law 29 of 1959 law 30 of 1959 law revision first schedule, contd. {section 9) title or subject matter the shental hosp
The Law Revision Act
june, 1955, comid. law 53 of 1959 the loan law, 1959. law 50 of 1960 the pentecostal assemblies of the world of jamaica (incorporation and vesting) law, 1960. law 51 of 1960 the gospel foundation church of jamaica incorporation law, 1960. law 59 of 1
The Law Revision Act
june, 1955, contd. act 2 of 1962 act 2 of 1963 act 11 of 1963 act 12 of 1963 act 23 of 1963 act 9 of 1964 act 18 of 1964 act 19 of 1964 act 39 of 1964 act 40 of 1964 act 41 of 1964 act 50 of 1964 law revision first schedule. contd. (section
The Law Revision Act
june, 1955 contd. act 42 of 1966 act 18 of 1967 act 6 of 1968 act 38 of 1968 act 15 of 1969 act 16 of 1969 act 15 of 1970 act 19 of 1970 act 4 of 1971 act 6 of 1972 act 7 of 1972 act 17 of 1972 act 3 of 1973 act 4 of 1973 act 5 of 1973 law revis
The Law Revision Act
june, 1955, contd. act 6 of 1973 act 7 of 1973 act 8 of 1973 act 9 of 1973 act 46 of 1973 act 47 of 1973 act 9 of 1974 act 21 of 1974 act 23 of 1974 act 24 of 1974 act 25 of 1974 act 26 of 1974 act 27 of 1974 act 16 of 1975 act 23 of 1975 l
The Law Revision Act
june, 1955, contd. act 27 of 1975 act 36 of 1975 act 6 of 1976 act 7 of 1976 act 8 of 1976 act 9 of 1976 act 10 of 1976 act 11 of 1976 act 16 of 1976 act 19 of 1976 first schedule, contd. law revision title or subject matter the loan (amend