june 24, 2004
The Judicature (Circuit Courts) (Times and Places For The Holding Thereof) (Amendment) Order,2004
june 24, 2004 2. the principal order is hereby amended by including the following? st. elizabeth?special sitting from september 16, 2004 until november 5, 2004 and the regular session commences on the 15th november, 2004. dated this 23rd day of jun
The Housing Act Scheme Part of Hague, Trelawny (Housing Area) Order,2004.
june 24, 2004 no.55b no. 768 the housing act (act 350f 19gr) the housing scheme part of hague, trelawny (housing area) order, 2004 in exercise of the powers conferred upon the minister by section 4. subsection (1) of the housing act and every other pow
The Housing Act Scheme Part of Hague, Trelawny (Housing Area) Order,2004.
june 24, 2004 schedule all that parcel of land being part of hague and being the lands registered at volume 1190 folio 394 situated in the parish of trelawny, commencing at a point being the north western corner of the parcel along the old parochi
The Housing Act Scheme Part of Hague, Trelawny (Housing Area) Order,2004.
june 24, 2004] proclamations, rules and regulations 162e schedule, contd. being part of florence hall for approximately 14 metres, then westerly along lands registered at volume 209 folio 6 being part of florence hall for approximately 51 metres,