june 27, 2003
The Provisional Collection of Tax (Road Traffic) Order,2003.
june 27, 2003 no. 60b no. 7183 the provisional collection of tax act the provisional collection of tax {road traffic) order, 2003 in exercise of the power conferred upon the minister by section 3 of the provisional collection of tax act, the foll
The Provisional Collection of Tax (Road Traffic) Order,2003.
june 27, 2003 (2) nothing in part i of the schedule to this order or in sub-paragraph (1) of this paragraph shall render invalid a licence referred to in that sub-paragraph, during the remaining period of that licence or shall authorize the licensi
The Provisional Collection of Tax (Firearm Licence Duty) Order,2003.
june 27, 2003 no. 60c no. 71¢c the provisional collection of tax act the provisional collection of tax (firearm licence duty) order, 2003 in exercise of the power conferred upon the minister by section 3 of the provisional collection of tax act, t
The Provisional Collection of Tax (Firearm Licence Duty) Order,2003.
june 27, 2003 (c) by deleting from paragraph (e) the words "one thousand" and substituting therefor the words "three thousand?. dated this 26th day of june, 2003. omar davies, minister of finance and planning. printed by jamaicaprinting servi
The Moneylending (Designated Authority) Order,2003
june 27, 2003 no. 60d no. 71p the money laundering act the money laundering (designated authority) order, 2003 in exercise of the power conferred upon the minister by section 2(1) of the money laundering act, the following order is hereby made: ? i. t