june 3, 2014
The Bauxite (Remission and Waiver of Production Levy) (WINDALCO) Notice, 2014
june 3, 2014 no. 46a no. 50a the bauxite (production levy) act the bauxite (remission and waiver of production levy) (windalco) notice, 2014 in exercise of the power conferred upon the minister by section 6 of the bauxite (production levy) act, t
The Bauxite (Remission and Waiver of Production Levy) (WINDALCO) Notice, 2014
june 3, 2014 3. the minister has waived the production levy, in whole, that would be paid by the members of the west indies alumina company (windalco), a joint venture established between jamaica bauxite mining limited and uc rusal alumina jamaica