june 7, 2000
The Special Improvements (Infrastructure) Area, Part of East Prospect in the Parish of Saint Thomas part of Land Volume 1176 Folio 379 of the Register Book of Titles Order, 2000
june 7, 2000 no. 44 no. 57 culled the local improvements (community amenities) act (act 21 of 1977) the special improvements (infrastructure) area, all that parcel of land part of east prospect in the parish of saint thomas being part of the land compr
The Special Improvements (Infrastructure) Area, Part of East Prospect in the Parish of Saint Thomas part of Land Volume 1176 Folio 379 of the Register Book of Titles Order, 2000
june 7, 2000 2. the area defined in the schedule and comprising lands in respect of which, the minister is satisfied, there is no sufficient provision for: (a) roadways (b) water supply (¢) sewage disposal, and (d) electricity supply is hereby dec
The Judiciary (Salaries) Order, 2000
june 7, 2000 no. 45 no."58 d the judicature (supreme court) act the judiciary (salaries) order, 2000 in exercise of the power conferred on the minister by section 4 (2) of the judiciary act, after taking into account the recommendations of the independ
The Judiciary (Salaries) Order, 2000
june 7, 2000 schedule (paragraph 2) office salary april 1, 1999 april 1, 2000 chief justice president, court of appeal judge, court of appeal senior puisne judge puisne judge $2,703,636 per annum $2,703,636 $2,385,000 $2,252,500 $2,120,000 dated thi
The Judicature (Circuit Court) (Times and Places for the Holding Thereof) Order, 2000
june 7, 2000 no. 45a no. 584 qi? : the judicature (supreme court) act the judicature (circuit courts) (times and places for the holding thereof) order, 2000 in exercise of the powers conferred on the chief justice by subsection (1) of section 31 of
The Judicature (Circuit Court) (Times and Places for the Holding Thereof) Order, 2000
june 7, 2000 2. the principal order is hereby amended by deleting the words ?vacation from 1st august to 15th september, 2000? and substituting therefor the following? westmoreland ? special sitting ? clarendon ? special sitting ? manchester ? spe