Licence-Kiwanis Club Of Central Portmore Limited
kingston this 3rd day of december 2004. phillip paulwell minister of commerce science and technology. no. 8/8/1325 no. 140 the companies act licence wiiereas it has been proved to the minister that nazarene church of god of jamaica limited which was
Licence-Nazarene Church Of God Of Jamaica
kingston this 3rd day of december 2004. phillip paulwell minister of commerce science and technology. no. 8/8/1325 no. 140 the companies act licence wiiereas it has been proved to the minister that nazarene church of god of jamaica limited which was
The Provisional Collection Of Tax (Road Traffic) (No.2) Order,2004
kingston, jamaica
The Housing Scheme Part Of Denham Town, (Inner City Re-Development) Kingston And St. Andrew (Housing Area) Order,2004.
kingston (housing area) order, 2004 in exercise of the powers conferred upon the minister by subsection (1) of section 4, the housing act and every other power hereunto enabling, the following order is hereby made:? 1. this order may be cited as part of
The Provisional Collection Of Tax (Stamp Duty) (No.3) Order,2004
kingston, jamaica
The Approved Hotel Enterprise (Pimento Lodge Resort) Order,2004
kingston, jamaica