lagoon special fishery conservation area
The Fishing Industry Act
lagoon special fishery conservation area; ? (d) in part i of the fourth schedule, and delineated in the map setoutin 5, part ii thereof and which shall be known as the discovery bay fourth . . . schedule, special fishery conservation area; pant, (e) in
The Fishing Industry Act
lagoon special fishery conservation area; in part i of the eleventh schedule, and delineated in the map set out in part ii thereof and which shall be known as the salt harbour special fishery conservation area; in part i of the twelfth schedule, and del
The Fishing Industry Act
lagoon special fishery conservation area starting at a point opposite the montego bay freeport traffic roundabout and north along the mangrove-lined shoreline 10 the reclaimed area supporting the hotel complex, west along an imaginary line 1.6 kilometres
The Fishing Industry Act
lagoon special fishery conservation area starting at a point on the south-eastern end of the jetty in port morant harbour. coordinates 359 125 n 785 350 e: thence due north to intersect 10 the southern boundary of the main road leading from port morant t
The Fishing Industry Act
lagoon special fishery conservation area google ear xy [the inclusion of this page is authorized by l.n. 116f/2014]