land taxation relief board
The Land Taxation (ReLief) Act
land taxation relief board con- stituted by section 3; ?derating certificate? means a certificate granted consequent on a derating order and pursuant to this act authorizing a reduction of land tax payable by any person; ?land tax? means property tax, p
The Land Taxation (ReLief) Act
land taxation relief board consisting of the commissioner of inland re- venue, the commissioner of land valuations and four other persons appointed by the minister. (2) the minister may appoint any person to act temporarily in place of any member of the
The Land Taxation (ReLief) Act
land taxation relief board. [the inclusion of this page is authorized by l.n. 87/1986)
The Land Taxation (ReLief) Act
land taxation relief board: c/o inland revenue department, p.o. box 466, kingston, (i) application re valuation no...........coveuveeenenn, is referred (please see certificate of valuation above) and the appli- cant has been so advised vide letter l. v.
The Land Taxation (ReLief) Act
land taxation relief board having considered the application of cries aforesaid in relation to the land and valuation described above hereby determine that land tax payable in respect of the land described as aforesaid, shall, subject to the provisions of